Guaranteed Universal Life Insurance Rates for 43 Year Olds

Guaranteed Universal Life Insurance Rates for 43 Year Olds Mountains_Wilderness

In this post we look specifically at guaranteed universal life insurance rates for 43 year olds.  Life insurance rates for people in their early to mid 40s are very affordable.  For people in their 40s, the rates are not significantly higher than rates for those in their 30s.

For a quick comparison quote of the best carriers offering Guaranteed Universal Life, please use our instant life insurance calculator.   Select “lifetime” in the drop down box under type of life insurance.

Keep in mind, not all companies appear in the rate calculator (or any rate calculator for that matter).  However, we provide customized comparison quotes and look at ALL the top guaranteed universal life companies.

People in their 40s purchase life insurance for numerous reasons.  One interesting reason could be due to and increased sensitivity or desire to care for loved ones.  In an article by WebMD entitled,  9 Things No One Tells You About Aging, the author writes the following:

You’re more in tune with other people’s emotions in your 40s than at any other time in your life.  That insight into how others think and feel can make living with your loved ones easier and help you get along better with your coworkers, too.

Regardless of whether emotions play a role, it is not uncommon for needs and priorities to change as we get older.  Sometimes, people purchase additional life insurance later in life due to the recommendation of a financial planner.  Other people simply realize they need or want more coverage.

There are many situations where the need for life insurance continues for a lifetime.  We describe these scenarios in many of our guaranteed universal life articles.  We understand everyone’s situation is different.  Guaranteed Universal Life is a very popular product.  It fills a need for those who want term insurance for life or “term to 100”.

Many people want permanent life insurance, but do not want to combine their investments with their life insurance.  They want to keep things simple and have a term policy that doesn’t expire. That’s the purpose of GUL.  To read a review of Guaranteed Universal Life insurance, please click here. There’s also a helpful article on the Pros and Cons of Guaranteed Universal Life.

Let’s take a look at the sample rates below.

Least Expensive Guaranteed Universal Life Insurance Rates for 43 Year Olds

The rates in the tables below are sample rates.  Since rates change frequently, we encourage readers to use instant quote engine .  Our quote engine is updated daily.

These sample rates will help you get a good sense for the cost of GUL.


  • Preferred Non-tobacco (2nd best rate class) AND Standard Non-tobacco (average to good health).
  • Guaranteed to age 100.
  • No Riders Added
  • Monthly rates rounded.
Male             Face Amount $50,000 $100,000 $250,000 $500,000
Rates for 43 year old – Preferred Rate Class $42 $63 $150 $295
Rates for 43 year old – Standard Rate Class  $50  $73 $174 $343


  • Preferred Non-tobacco (2nd best rate class) AND Standard Non-tobacco (average to good health).
  • Guaranteed to age 100.
  • No Riders Added
  • Monthly rates rounded.
Female             Face Amount $50,000 $100,000 $250,000 $500,000
Rates for 43 year old – Preferred Rate Class $38 $52 $129 $236
Rates for 43 year old – Standard Rate Class  $45  $63 $150 $282


Qualifying for the Best Possible Guaranteed Universal Life Classification.

The underwriting classifications used in the tables above are Preferred Non-tobacco and Standard Non-tobacco.   Most carriers have three or four non-tobacco classes.  Although each carrier uses a different name, the classes are typically:  Standard, Standard Plus, Preferred, and Preferred Best.

A small percentage of applicants qualify for the Preferred Best rates.  Although, current and past health is a primary factor, life insurance companies also look at the following risk factors:

  • Family History (mostly look at history of cancer and cardiovascular disease in parents or siblings prior age 60).
  • Build (height and weight).
  • Driving Record.
  • Avocation
  • Foreign Travel

This list in not exhaustive, but gives you a good idea as to the risk factors underwriters consider when assigning a risk classification.  Some carriers have more lenient underwriting guidelines than others.  That’s where we help.  Our job is to make sure you qualify for the best rate possible.  Sometimes, this means shopping with multiple carriers if an unfavorable offer is made.

For tobacco users, the rates can be twice as high as Non-tobacco rates. Most companies offer only two tobacco underwriting classes: Standard Non-tobacco and Preferred Non-tobacco.

Selecting the Best Guaranteed Universal Life Insurance Company at the Age of 43.

Although it isn’t difficult to compare GUL plans, there are key differences between companies. It’s not as simple as comparing level term insurance.  Some companies such as Mutual of Omaha offer multiple GUL policies.  See our review of Mutual of Omaha here.  They have one GUL policy that is geared towards higher face amounts and limited or single-pay premium options.

Several companies offer guaranteed universal life policies with valuable policy provisions such as Return of Premium benefit or a Chronic Illness benefit.  While some companies offer these benefits as riders (at an additional cost), other companies include them as policy provisions.  The benefits and riders differ – some are simply better than others.

Working with an Experienced, Independent Agent

We strongly recommend working with an independent agent because it’s important to choose from the best available companies.  There is no sense in selecting a company only to find out a few months later that there was a better, lower-cost policy available.  We can assure you that won’t happen with us with for any type of life or disability insurance.

Working with an experienced agent – with a minimum of 10 years experience – is also important.  It takes a while to understand the most effective way to work with underwriters to secure the best rates.  It also takes time to understand the various needs of clients and make appropriate recommendations.

Combining and/or Laddering Term Life and Guaranteed Universal Life Insurance

Many of our clients opt for term insurance only.  However, we understand a lot of people don’t like the idea of “outliving term insurance” and want to ensure their loved ones receive life insurance proceeds regardless of the age of death.

It isn’t always either/or – often times it’s both.  We like the idea of laddering term policies or laddering term policies with GUL.  You can read an article on this concept here.

We will be glad to discuss your unique situation and answer your questions.

About Peachtree Insurance Advisors
About Peachtree Insurance Advisors

We work with individuals across the nation to secure the best life insurance rates.

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