
Dave Ramsey On Whole Life - Safe Rock Climber

Dave Ramsey On Whole Life

To say that Dave Ramsey is not a big fan of Whole Life insurance would be an enormous understatement.  Mr. Ramsey thinks any cash value life insurance is a very bad deal.  In this article, we will look at Dave Ramsey’s views on cash value insurance, including both whole life and universal life.  To read.. More

Dave Ramsey on Term Life - toddler on the beach

Dave Ramsey on Term Life

If you are a Dave Ramsey listener, then you know that he feels strongly about term life insurance.  In fact, you have probably heard Dave say, “never buy cash value insurance” and that term life is much more affordable.   In this article, we will examine Dave’s recommendations concerning term life insurance.  We believe the only way the vast majority of people.. More

Dave Ramsey Life Insurance Review _ Siblings on Beach

Dave Ramsey Life Insurance Review

Dave Ramsey is a financial guru.  He is a lot more than a financial expert, though.  Dave Ramsey is an accomplished businessman, author, radio personality and motivational speaker.  My wife and I went through Dave’s Financial Peace University with our church 8 years ago and benefitted from his advice and financial strategies.  I have read his.. More

Guaranteed Universal Life Insurance Rates for 65 Year Olds - tree lined road

Guaranteed Universal Life Insurance Rates for 65 Year Olds

Reaching the age of 65 is a milestone.  It is the eligibility age for Medicare, so you are mostly likely enrolled in Medicare Part A (and possibly Part B) at this point. Age 65 is also the customary retirement age. Age 65 was selected as the retirement age in 1934 for “old age pension laws” in most states.  So,.. More

Guaranteed Universal Life Insurance Rates for 64 Year Olds - trail walking

Guaranteed Universal Life Insurance Rates for 64 Year Olds

There are various reasons for purchasing a life insurance policy in your mid 60s.  In this article, we will look at those reasons and the life insurance products available to 64 year olds.  You may be in the process of checking out your options for coverage and heard about a “term for life” policy. “Term for.. More

Guaranteed Universal Life Insurance Rates for 63 Year Olds - overlook

Guaranteed Universal Life Insurance Rates for 63 Year Olds

Life insurance rates increase as we age, so you may think that purchasing a policy in your early 60s isn’t affordable.  There are actually some very affordable options with both term and permanent life insurance.  In this article, we will discuss your options for coverage and look at sample guaranteed universal life insurance rates for.. More

Guaranteed Universal Life Insurance Rates for 62 Year Olds - wooden tracks

Guaranteed Universal Life Insurance Rates for 62 Year Olds

This article will look specifically at guaranteed universal life insurance rates for 62 year olds and provide helpful information for people in their early 60s.   If you are just starting your research into guaranteed universal life insurance (GUL) and would like to learn more, please read our review of GUL here. Please Use Our Quote.. More

Guaranteed Universal Life Insurance Rates for 61 Year Olds - bridge

Guaranteed Universal Life Insurance Rates for 61 Year Olds

In this article, we will look specifically at guaranteed life insurance rates for 61 year olds.  We will also address some issues that are pertinent to people in their early 60s as they consider options for life insurance. Use Our Quote Engine on this Page to See Instant Quotes for Term and Guaranteed Universal Life.. More

Guaranteed Universal Life Insurance Rates for 60 Year Olds - benches by lake

Guaranteed Universal Life Insurance Rates for 60 Year Olds

Life Insurance rates for people in their early 60s can be quite affordable.  Some people think it’s too late to find affordable rates, but that certainly is not the case.  This article will look specifically at guaranteed universal life insurance rates for 60 year olds.  We will also address some concerns people face when considering.. More